From traffic jams to telemarketers calling at dinnertime, there is often something interfering with our daily plans. Changing your focus in frustrating and stressful situations will help you deal with these kinds of obstacles so you feel more at ease. Try a few methods below to cope with frustrating people or events.

Overcoming Frustration from Irritating Events
Maintain your composure so you don’t do or say things you later regret.
Establish priorities so you can distinguish between minor setbacks and more serious events.
Create a realistic schedule. Reduce your workload to easily fit in the time allotted.
Value persistence. Overcoming obstacles without emotional angst is easier when you know it’s only a matter of time to get past it and move on.
Practice standing in line. Tolerance for frustration increases with practice.
Break out of your rut. Growing irritability may be a sign that you need to shake things up.
Overcoming Frustration from Exasperating People
Clarify your boundaries. Be clear about what you find acceptable.
Put yourself in their shoes. Understanding their position will help both of you accommodate each other.
Be willing to compromise. Encourage an atmosphere of give-and-take and the people around you will likely follow suit.
I would love to hear your thoughts on these tips, how these work for you, or even what you struggle with as a daily frustration below.
Live outrageously!