When this darn pandemic hit, I was already in my own whirlwind of pivoting and reassessing life. For those of you who don’t know, in November of 2019, I fought breast cancer (a second time) and found recovery from my double mastectomy laboriously slow. By the time February came, though, my husband and I took a couple of much-needed trips to celebrate life and love (Disney World and NYC, of course). Little did we know that we were about to miss the shut down of the entertainment industry by weeks!

The time spent celebrating was an amazing inspiration, and I continued to work on my book when we got back. Then the world suddenly experienced the pandemic emotional crash of March and April, and I found every last word I wrote turned to mush. My emotional state crept into my writing, and what had been decent before became “flat on the page” (as my friend Helene calls it), and worse yet, confusing and not at all what I wanted to convey.
So, I decided the universe was telling me to chill on the author thing for a while. I took a break from writing and spent some time really digging deep into my soul about why it is that I am still on this earth. Cancer has a funny way of rearranging your priorities, ya‘ know?
Birthing a Vision
There are life coaches out there that claim that writing a personal vision statement is a waste of time or is confining. I think it is critical for women, and here’s why. While I am not a believer in vision boards (aka craft night),... I DO spend serious time working with my clients on their strengths, passions, and values. And in those moments when I wasn’t working on my book, I spent my creative and transformative energy assessing all of those things for my own life.
And guess what I found? I wanted to empower women. I wanted to help each one pursue her outrageous dreams and design a life that she not only loved but that felt comfortable and right. Envisioning a society where these powerful women have become fierce leaders and world-changers, I enrolled in a coaching certification program and rolled up my sleeves to become the best empowerment coach I could be.
And thus, Live Outrageously Coaching was born.
But that “why” — that personal vision of empowering women, one at a time, to realize their unique importance to our world — was far more important than the “how” of starting my coaching practice. I assume that the vision of empowering women will take all kinds of twists and turns and different paths and projects over my lifetime. The vision will stay consistent, though, simply growing and maturing to fuller understanding and clarity over the years.
My Favorite Part of Coaching
Over the past 8 or 9 months, my favorite moment as a coach is that emotionally charged “aha!” when each woman realizes she has put everyone else’s dreams before her own or has pursued a vision she didn’t create for herself. She generally gets very, very quiet for a minute. It’s as if you can hear her brain slowly rewiring itself, erasing the “that’s a silly dream” mindset and replacing it with “my dreams are important for my own fulfillment as a human being.”

Share Your a Unique Gifts
Ladies, be done living solely for everyone else. Certainly, serving and giving and caring are all incredibly valuable qualities. But if you give every last piece of your genius away to others or tuck it away for no one to ever see, do you see how you are robbing our world of your unique gifts?
If this describes you or someone you know, I’d love to chat over coffee for a few minutes and answer your questions about how to live a more outrageous life that you love! No strings attached, just here to help you sift through your thoughts and be a sounding board for you!
Please pop over to my coaching site at liveoutrageously.com and schedule a free “coffee talk” at a time and day that works for you. I’ll even buy you a cup of coffee! I’d love to get to know you better and hear how I can assist you in living life with freedom!
Live outrageously!
Sarah 🌿
aka "Lady Grey"
Sarah E. Flynn is a coach, mentor, and teacher helping women discover their authentic selves, building an empowered foundation of self-worth and confidence.